VIDEO News | Video Production in Boca Raton, Delray, Palm Beach, Broward
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Holiday magic was created on the water this month.  Multi-Media Works photographed the Pompano Beach Chamber of Commerce 62nd Annual Pompano Beach Holiday Boat Parade from the cordoned off dining patio at the new Miraggio Restaurant on the Intracoastal.

The beautiful setting combined with 40 imaginatively decorated boats passing by all lit up transported guests to an enchanted evening of fine dining and boat entertainment.


Can a brand be thankful?  Even though brands aren’t people, this time of year businesses like to show their brand in a humanized light.  Usually, it’s with a perfunctory phrase such as “Thank you for your business,” or “We are grateful to our clients.”


What business milestones happened this year that deserved to be captured in photography and video?  Not just an annual event but capturing a milestone upon completing a project or a project progress milestone developing to the finish.  How do you capture your milestone accomplishments and tell the story to completion and celebration?


Do you have an uncommon career backstory?  VoyageMIA is a local online business magazine that features small business owners with inspiring career stories to share with their readers. They approached me this month to write about mine with all its twists and turns.


Do you have a CRA Plan that is in the beginning stage, in progress or completion of a specific project?  
 We produce story videos about CRA projects in all three stages. 


The most powerful way to validate the value of any grant is with a compelling storytelling video.  A well-produced story video is the effective way to prove the impact your grant made in the community.

Here’s an example of a compelling storytelling mini-documentary about grants:  We created this one for the Community Charitable Funding Grant.  They awarded grants to 20 nonprofits last year who submitted proposed projects beneficial to designated sections of Pompano Beach. 


The two great religious events celebrated in March/April revolve around powerful narratives: death and resurrection of an individual and liberation of a people. Whether it’s the story of the Exodus at Passover or the resurrection of Jesus Christ at Easter, storytelling plays a central role in both religious observances.


Seeking Sponsors for an Event? Sponsors Like Video. Think Video.

A professionally produced event video is an indispensable tool for attracting sponsors in the digital age.
Check out this event highlights video we produced for the Fort Lauderdale chapter of NEF Block Kids to attract more sponsors to their annual competition.


Want to know about a food find hosted by a pro with really good taste?  Check out our third produced show in the Beyond the Beach video series of hidden food gems.


We enjoyed working on a variety of media assignments this year with wonderful clients.   Assignments included construction movies, video and photography; Drone stills and video; animation video, nonprofit event video and company videos.

In appreciation to our clients, we produced a holiday thank you video. 


Do you know about the Oasis of Peace village in Israel?  It’s a cooperative concept jointly founded in 1969 by Jewish and Palestinian residents of Israel.  Located between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, some 60 families from both cultures in equal numbers have chosen to live the experiment side-by-side as neighbors peacefully, equally and with respect for each other’s cultures.


This colorful month inspires fresh ideas about vibrant progress and project videos to market your business online.  Some beauty shots of foliage taken in the nation’s Capitol can serve as inspiration to think about turning a new leaf in your business—marketing your projects and events as vibrant video stories.


You’ve noticed, South Florida is awash in construction projects. Equipment and cones are unavoidable as we navigate roadways in the Tri-county area.  Revitalization, renewal, repair and reconfiguration are upgrading and transforming our cities into planned desirable communities to live, work and play.  

For the past few years, we have been documenting construction progress with full media for cities and companies in South Florida.  By shooting construction projects before/during/after in both photography and video, we are showcasing the hard work of progress from conception to completion and transformation. The proof is in the media we have been creating—albums of photography and video for companies.  


We wrote and produced a combination company/event celebration story in a 2-minute video this week.  The video story cuts to the essence of what makes the company special.


Video is the most engaging content across social media platforms. 85% of businesses use some kind of video ad to market their brand. (source: Wyzowl).


Multi-Media Works welcomes working again with construction client Whiting-Turner/City of Pompano Beach, this time to document the extensive construction work of “Dixie Hwy. Segment 2” at Dixie Hwy. and Atlantic Blvd.  We are capturing construction progress with Drone images, video and still photography for the next couple of years to be edited into a milestone story movie for the planned new, attractive and safe streetscape downtown.  


Construction offers the opportunity to help create something that makes a significant impact. It transforms entire communities and changes landscapes.  Each new year brings new and brilliant construction projects that will not only aid a community’s economic development but also improve job opportunities.

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    A brand’s emotional appeal begins by connecting customers and prospects to a story.  Stories pull us in and create long-lasting impressions.  Realizing this should be your motivation to start telling memorable video stories about your business.  Moving pictures and good storytelling, that’s the winning combination to create a connection with customers.  

    Boca Raton


    Engaging storytelling has the unique ability to connect on a personal level. For businesses, these personal connections can set you apart from the competition. A compelling story about your business, product or agency attracts and engages your ideal customers in a way that can drive growth for your business.


    Holiday Video


    Even though brands aren’t people, this time of year businesses like to show their brand in a humanized light.  Usually, it’s with a perfunctory gratitude phrase such as “Thank you for your business,” or “We are grateful to our clients.”   But when pleasantries are automated, the sentiment carries little meaning.


    The single most important content marketing strategy today is video. Basically, video advertising has transformed the medium from a singular marketing tactic to a complete business strategy.

    Whether you’re using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, video has revolutionized marketing. In your Autumn seasonal marketing mix, do you include short, compelling story movies about your business?  The immediate engagement and accessibility of such videos is the way forward to attract new clients or donors.
    TIP:  Make Them Worth Watching

    This is an important tip that is often overlooked. True branded videos are going to be interesting, informative or some combination of both to offer value for viewers.  Just because you’ve commissioned a video doesn’t guarantee it will be fresh, not standard.


    How can businesses learn from royal branding?  Use the power of visuals regularly and strategically.   Video and photography posted online can be strategically planned to humanize your brand, soften your image and make it more acceptable and accessible to your customers and prospects. 

    Video is the powerful way to control and humanize how you are relevant, responsive and respected in your industry. 

    Example:  We produced this short video for a Congressman that humanizes him and staff and shows they are accessible, relevant, responsive and respected.


    Discovering how far back the origin of the universe goes is captivating us, especially when accompanied by stunning images, albeit colorized for effect. July’s newest discoveries of distant nebula, stars and young planets captured in great detail by the Webb Space Telescope are star show-stoppers.


    From groundbreaking to completion, our time-lapse camera captured the two-year build of the Sinai Residences in Boca Raton, FL constructed by Whiting-Turner Contracting Company.  Our camera recorded images of the construction progress every half hour for two years ending last month.
    The client received files of all the images of the build for two years along with a two-minute time-lapse highlight movie.  Watch this mesmerizing movie and imagine how your build can be highlighted in time-lapse.


    If you want your business to stand out in a crowded field, face it you will need to stand out online.  You may be experts in your industry but it’s using a mix of media for marketing and promotion that positions you ahead of the competition.  You are recognized as an authority in your field when you put a variety of media on the line that showcases your brand and what it stands for.

    Multi-media solutions allow you to market and advertise your expertise across multiple platforms that your audience already uses.  That’s where you build stronger emotional connections and higher engagement with your prospects.

    Brand for Spring


    Multi-Media Works is on assignment to photograph the “Pompano Beach Fine Food & Wine Celebration 2022” on April 21. Held outside and inside the Marriott Pompano Beach Resort and Spa from 6-9:30 pm, this event is a major hit and opportunity to sample the best of Pompano Beach.


    Using video and online streaming, Ukraine’s President Zelensky delivered a powerful speech to the U.S. Congress on March 16. His plea for help to stop the Russian invasion of his country was detailed in its singular message: We Need You Right Now.

    Make A Movie


    Think about your determination and hard work, your ability to overcome obstacles in building your business. How did it all start? That’s the stuff of your movie. It can be as short as 90 seconds or several minutes long. Told well, a short movie helps viewers understand your exceptionalness and why they should contact and work with you.


    January is a great time for fresh beginnings and new goals. Are you planning to include video in your 2022 marketing campaign? This is the perfect time to get started.

    For every video we produce for you in January-March, we’ll produce a FREE shorter version (30-40 seconds) to use as a teaser for your social media and emails.  That means you will have an extra video to amplify your reach.


    We were commissioned to photograph the 59th Annual Greater Pompano Beach Holiday Boat Parade, the longest running parade of its kind in the country.   Hosted by the Greater Pompano Beach Chamber of Commerce, there were some 45 decorated boats in the parade this weekend making a splash on the Intracoastal Waterway passing by the judges table and VIP sponsor party on the wharf of the Sands Harbor Resort and Marina.


    An unprecedented exodus of workers from nearly all industries designates 2021 as the year of “The Great Resignation.” In August alone, 4.3 million–nearly 3% of the workforce–quit their jobs according to the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics.

    “Pandemic epiphanies” is one big explanation motivating many workers to re-think, leave and change their jobs for greener pastures. This surge in quitting has left employers struggling to find competent replacements for vacant positions.



    You have an innovative service or product and need an easy explainer video about it. Or you want to communicate complicated info in layman’s terms with video.

    An easy-to-understand animated video is a good solution. It captivates viewers and converts them into customers so they understand the impact of your brand. Post the video on your Website home page and visitors will click to watch it

    August Newsletter 2021

    Multi-Media Works is producing the story video about the first stage of downtown Dixie Hwy.’s re-do.

    An important street that cuts through the heart of the city, there are several good reasons to revitalize it then showcase it in video


    Construction Issue 2021

    The U.S. construction industry will need to add 430,000 new workers to keep up with the increased demand for construction services in 2021. (source: Associated Builders and Contractors of America)

    Construction spending will increase by 1.3 % in 2021 to $1.45 trillion.  Every $1 billion in additional construction spending creates an average of 5,700 jobs in the industry according to the study.

    July Newsletter 2021

    Is your city or business celebrating a success? Having an open for business celebration? 

    Now’s the time to shine in a brief promotional video about it to post on social media platforms and emails. 

    June Issue 2021

    Your business has a story.  Your project has a story.  Your product or service… We help you tell them in mini-movies.  Why?

    Because good story videos connect with audiences on an emotional level, where they can relate to your business.

    May Newsletter 2021

    This month we celebrate the one-year anniversary of our two-year time-lapse construction video in Boca Raton.  Since May of last year, our time-lapse camera has been documenting a build from the ground up of the extensive extension of senior residences on the Jewish Federation campus.  At the end of the project, we will present the contractor with a mesmerizing time-lapse highlights movie.

    April Issue 2021

    Multi-Media Works starts production this month on a storytelling video about Phase One construction of transformative improvements along the first of six miles on Dixie Highway in Pompano Beach, FL.
    Improvements include resurfacing, ifrastructure, beautification elements and accommodations for parking, bike riding and pedestrian safety.

    March Newsletter 2021

    We have been forced to communicate and connect differently since last March.   Facebook’s analytics department reported a 50% surge in messaging.  Similarly, WhatsApp saw a 40% lift in usage and TikTok global downloads grew 5% month-over-month, adding some 12 million unique US-based visitors.


    February Issue 2021

    The trend is clear: most consumers are moving online. To reach them, companies have to go there, too.  Direct-to-consumer selling requires new skills, capabilities and marketing models.  Brands that haven’t figured out how to move from reacting to reaching consumers in new ways, especially online, really need to or they will be left behind. There’s no going back.

    January Newsletter 2021

    “You’re on mute” was the most frequently uttered phrase in corporate America–said on 1,000 percent more calls between executives and investors in 2020 compared with 2019. Uses of the word “humbled” rose 200 percent. The phrase “new normal” appeared nearly 3,000 times.

    December Issue 2020

    The 58th Annual Greater Pompano Beach Holiday Boat Parade was a safe, spirited celebration.  The country’s longest running holiday boat parade brought cheer and beautifully decorated boats competing for prizes.  We captured the scene with photography, check it out here. 

    October Issue 2020

    We wrote and produced a series of four videos for David Schloss, owner of HomeWell of South Palm Beach County care services.  This month we share two videos about his exceptional services:  caregiving matchmaking and the screening process.

    Hidden Heroes Issue


    We wrote and produced a series of four videos for Boca Chamber member David Schloss, owner of HomeWell of South Palm Beach County. This month we share the video of David’s story: how he went from stockbroker to caregiving and the business mission inspired by his father’s words.

    The Construction Issue, June 2020

    Capturing a portion of a construction project with time-lapse video adds sizzle to the visuals, stills and final video for presentations.  Here we captured the mast and sails being constructed on the Atlantic Blvd. Bridge in Pompano Beach.

    May Issue 2020

    Multi-Media Works was chosen to document the construction progress for two years (2020-22) of a new building addition on the Jewish Federation campus in Boca Raton. Our time-lapse construction camera will video the addition taking shape from the ground up ending in a captivating time-lapse movie.

    April Issue 2020

    We stand united in our support and gratitude to all health care workers for their daily dedication, courage and heroism putting their own lives on the line to save ours.

    March Issue 2020

    You know the stories that prove it. So, do you have a company video promoting what you do, how you do it, how it matters? Why should you? Because marketing your company with compelling video is the big trend to outshine your competition. We’d love to work with you creating one.

    February Issue 2020

    Research proves that people prefer video to all other forms of content when learning about new products and services. Though they might not watch a video with the intention of buying, they’re open to discovery. That makes video a critical part of every stage in your business that relates to your customers.

    December Issue 2019

    At the close of 2019, we thank our clients for their business and friendship with this video collage retrospective. It has been a pleasure working with you this year creating media about remarkable you (Yes you are!). We look forward to accomplishing more together in the new decade.

    November Issue 2019

    The Pompano Beach Fishing Pier underwent a major makeover and is poised for a grand opening. We wrote and produced a pre-opening story video about the pier for the City to give a sneak peak of the iconic elements in this beautiful structure anchoring the new waterfront revitalization projects. Take a pre-opening peak and tell us what you think:

    October Issue 2019

    The City of Fort Lauderdale has many attributes as a global business market. To create awareness about them, our video assignment was to write and produce a short showcase video to entice and convince businesses that Ft. Lauderdale is where you want to locate. We created Meet Fort Lauderdale: the hot business market video to brand the point.

    September Issue 2019

    Consider an event video with an album of photography for your grand opening, special event or a construction project.

    August Issue 2019

    We captured the spirit of the Brazilian Business Group’s summer bash with this pro-mobile highlights video. The heat didn’t stop the fun.

    May Issue 2019

    A Boca Raton resident needed help expediting papers for an emergency and turned to her Congressman for assistance. Staff in U.S. Rep. Ted Deutch’s office came through for her. We produced this short video telling her story about one of many ways Congressman Deutch helps his constituents.

    rainbow in May over Delray Beach

    April Issue 2019

    You know it’s the start of Spring when Savor the Avenue is staged along Atlantic Avenue in Delray Beach. In a mobile video collage, we captured this sold out 11th annual sit-down culinary dinner party with 1,100 guests dining outdoors at long tables individually set up, decorated, cooked and served by 13 competing local restaurants.

    March Issue 2019

    As sponsors and video partners, this month we produced several event highlights videos spotlighting organizations and tantalizing viewers to register for their upcoming events. Here are four different fun events we captured: a gala fundraiser, an industry networking event, a professional awards luncheon and a chamber of commerce luncheon.


    February Issue 2019

    We did a photo shoot for the Foundation’s fundraiser held last month at a private mansion. The community turned out to show their love and appreciation for the Boca Raton Police Department. See what you missed this year and plan to attend next year!

    January Issue 2019

    In 2019, video will account for 80% of global internet traffic; 85% in the US. By 2020, 75% of all mobile traffic will be video. Is your company with it? READ MORE

    December Issue 2018

    Our year-end video montage features clients, partners and clips from the projects we produced throughout the year. Thank you for your business in 2018, it’s been a pleasure working with you!  Here’s to continued success in the new year!

    November Issue 2018

    We produced a highlights video of this delectable annual event presented by the Pompano Beach/Lighthouse Point/Margate Chamber of Commerce and presenting sponsor Pompano! Magazine. It grows bigger and more gourmet each year, check it out:

    October Issue 2018

    An affordable professionally-produced event highlights video creates positive awareness of your business or organization and it increases Internet traffic to your site.

    September Issue 2018

    Some local business owners, nonprofits and donors deserve recognition for their contribution to the community. The 2018 Shining Stars Awards Luncheon held by the Pompano Beach Chamber of Commerce honored 12 who make the city a better place because of their commitment to community improvement and excellence.

    August Issue 2018

    Our assignment was to produce a video tour of the new Broward Addiction Recovery Center (BARC). As brand storytellers, we wanted to bring the building alive with meaning, too. One of the speeches at the grand opening ribbon cutting was personal and powerful, so we incorporated excerpts of it to tell a true story of the new facility’s need and meaning to the community:

    July Issue 2018

    An article last month in the online magazine VoyageMIA resulted from an anonymous tip recommending Karen’s entrepreneurial journey as a story that would inspire their readers.

    June Issue 2018

    Video is the effective way to engage your target audience by succinctly telling your story about a job well done. We enjoyed writing/producing the story about Burkhardt Construction’s beautiful work revitalizing a tired old street.

    May Issue 2018

    A professional event highlights videos is an excellent online marketing tool for your business or nonprofit because it is engaging, much more so than text and images.  Edited well, a brief highlights video gives viewers the virtual experience of being there and seeing what they missed.

    April Issue 2018

    I remember Barbara Bush as a gracious woman who was upfront when she liked and appreciated something. Someone had given her a copy of the newspaper I founded/wrote/edited in Washington, DC called “Cause Celebre: the news of capital causes.” She liked it well enough to send me this handwritten fan letter.

    March Issue 2018

    Just before the Broward County Commissioners deliberated about renewing a 30-year land lease with Butterfly World, Multi-Media Works was tapped to produce a video highlighting its beauty and benefits.

    February Issue 2018

    It’s not a food-sport pairing you would think of but it was a smash success at the Wanderers Club in Wellington, Forida’s horse country. We produced a pro mobile highlights video of Lobstermania & Polo for the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) Palm Beach Chapter. Karen Galanaugh, member of PRSA Palm Beach and the Wanderers Club, arranged the PR chapter’s invites as a fundraiser, the first annual.

    January 2018

    Have you experienced the treasure known as Butterfly World in Coconut Creek? We produced this mobile video for the Chamber highlighting the meeting and one of its spectacular Trustee members. Enjoy this virtual visit.

    Holiday Issue 2017

    Video is powerful PR if it is engaging. Consider this: If video viewers are not engaged, 20% will click away in 10 seconds; 33% in 30 seconds according to research by Visible Measures. Resolve to make your video command attention right from the start. Let us help with your video open.


    Multi-Media Works produced a seminar video for the National Leadership Institute (NLI) about “Nonprofit Trends” with a moderator and three expert panelists in from the nonprofit sector. The valuable information ranged from donor datamining to corporate sponsorship.


    October 2017

    The DOING GOOD WORKS YouTube Channel by Multi-Media Works is devoted to producing and featuring these compelling stories—from commercials to short segments to educational mini-documentaries. We have won multiple Palm and Telly Awards for videos about nonprofits over the years.


    Miraculously, we survived with little damage in Palm Beach and Broward Counties. Fellow Floridians further south, north and west were not so lucky and we are making donations. This e-newsletter is about sharing Hurricane Irma stories and reflections from our Multi-Media Works Team (plus one).

    August 2017

    Humans are programmed to communicate with each other through stories. They add interest, intrigue and context to an otherwise dull message. In videos, story is key to viewer engagement. A video that lacks good storytelling is the first to lose viewers.

    July 2017

    MULTI-MEDIA WORKS wins award for Original Video Series created for BOCA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE.

    July 2017

    The Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) Palm Beach Chapter has voted Multi-Media Works a finalist to receive a Palm Award for outstanding video production.

    June 2017

    Of 80% of the Internet users who watched a video ad, 46% took some sort of action right after viewing it.

    May 2017

    Have you ever seen an interview where the speaker is looking too far off camera, either in profile or three-quarter view? This set-up style is a big mistake because viewers feel left out of the conversation on screen so are less engaged. When less engaged, they click away.

    Spring News

    The script may be wonderful, but if on-camera speakers are stilted and self-conscious your video will take an amateurish turn.

    April 2017

    Written and produced well, video is a compelling, emotional, educational and entertaining PR tool that can create the image and brand you desire for your business. But without proper planning, video becomes an expensive haphazard array of media on your Website or channel.

    March 2017

    Humans are programmed to communicate with each other through stories. They add interest, intrigue and context to an otherwise dull message. In videos, story is key to viewer engagement. Videos that lack good storytelling are the first to lose viewers.

    March 2017

    Valentine’s Day

    Without proper planning, video becomes an expensive, haphazard array of media on your Website or channel. Harness the video branding opportunity by developing an overall cohesive video strategy and style for your business or nonprofit.


    A video that doesn’t succinctly define a problem, challenge or need in the opening is not answering “why” — why viewers matter to your agency or company and why they should want to watch. Without the “why,” they won’t care about the business or the subject presented and will click away after 10-15 seconds.



    In storytelling, a video that doesn’t succinctly define a problem, challenge or need in the open is not answering “why” — why viewers matter to your business or nonprofit and why they should want to watch. If the why isn’t compelling and clear, they will click away after 10-15 seconds.

    Happy Thanksgiving

    One common mistake is opening a video with a long series of still pictures without any text or narration explaining them. Even if accompanied by good music, without the important information added, viewers will not be enticed to stay till the end. They need a compelling reason to engage with your video.
