11 Jun JUNE ISSUE 2021
YOU HAVE A STORY. We help you tell it and sell it.
Your business has a story. Your project has a story. Your product or service… We help you tell them in mini-movies. Why?
Because good story videos connect with audiences on an emotional level, where they can relate to your business.
Also, video holds the most potential for interaction, engagement and shares of your brand. For these reasons, video is the king of visual marketing tools.
But producing engaging videos can be overwhelming if it’s not your core business. So you struggle to come up with creative ideas for video content that would appeal to and bond with your target audience and show how you meet their needs.
That’s where we can help.
When developing a good story about your brand, here’s what we consider with some tips for you:
- Be honest and personal.Your content needs to be a reflection of your company. We make sure you are genuine with your audience; don’t be afraid to get a little personal.Honesty can really resonate with your customers, and it can help you build a bond that will also promote brand loyalty—a factor that will give you an advantage over your competition.
- Have a beginning, middle and end.Like every good story, yours needs to feature these three stages or else the message gets muddled and the viewer loses interest. A story that builds through a beginning, middle and end has power.We produce the story that a company, project, product or service has that’s worth telling in a mini-movie.
- Get creative and stay true to your brand.If you want to craft a video that will effectively market your business, you’ll need to get a little creative as well. The best way to start this process is to develop a central theme around what your video is marketing (i.e. a specific product or service), and then we infuse your company’s personality into it.Whether your company has more of a slapstick culture or a serious-minded one, it’s important to stay true to your brand. That way, your audience will instantly recognize you, and you can develop the ever-important brand loyalty.
For example: Showing a brand of caring
We produced this mini-movie (1:22) for a Congressman whose staff provides a multitude of services, unpublicized, to help constituents. We had one constituent tell her story concisely, but include all the essential information to illustrate the compassionate help she received from his office at her time of need.
Are you lacking some much-needed story inspiration and ideas
Once we help you crystalize your best story(s) to share, we recommend:
- Keep your videos concise, moving and compelling enough to get all the info into it.
- Promote your video everywhere.After you have a captivating marketing video, share it with the world beginning with your company Website. This will help drive customer traffic to it and create engagement with your site.Next, you should add your video to landing pages and emails. In doing this step, you can increase conversions and click-through rates.Posting your video on all your social media sites helps increase your reach as well as your conversions.
Looking to boost and share your video with an even wider audience?
Does it sound like there’s a lot that goes into creating and marketing a video? Well, there is.
Not only do you have to plan out an effective approach, craft a compelling and concise story and promote it like crazy, you also need to consider the time and financial investment of this most effective tool for your business marketing strategy.
It may seem like a lot, but a well-produced video is definitely worth the ability to:
Connect with your target audience (on an emotional level)
Generate more leads
Increase sales
Grow your overall business
Want help creating a professional story video that will get results? We know what it takes to impress prospects and help reach your marketing goals.
Contact Diane Singh, Marketing Manager at Multi-Media Works to explore ideas: [email protected] or 724-272-7910.
“A father is neither an anchor to hold us back nor a sail to take us there, but a guiding light whose love shows us the way.” – Unknown
Trustee Member of:
“Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.”
-Anais Nin
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