At Multi-Media Works, we set out to assure your PR works with your brand and other media so there is one voice telling your brand stories with a consistent message in plain English.
Integrated PR/communications/marketing involves creating, consolidating and coordinating all your internal and external eclectic communications.
Since 1997, we have worked with a variety of clients developing PR strategies. We create and integrate the eclectic multi-media communications so that the client’s brand and image are consistent, clear, recognizable and understandable.
At Multi-Media Works, we are committed to your PR success. We will work within your budget to accomplish your desired results.
We tell your compelling brand stories to create a greater connection with your target audience. Consumers believe and remember what they read about you in an article or see on TV and online more than in a paid advertisement. Your credibility, awareness and an all-important buzz are established through publicity in print, broadcast and digitally. Without it, your business or agency is probably off the radar.
Video profile of your business or event as a commercial
Promote your special event as a commercial
“I can’t tell you enough how much I appreciate your talent, input and all the ground work you cover for us. You do a superlative job. You’re a PR genius!”
— Jill Cooper, Executive Director
Israel Cancer Association USA